~Where the Past is Always Present~

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Stress Therapy"

,Isn't it funny how a little shopping can do the body good??? Do you think this therapy works for everybody??? I am not sure if it works for guys too but I think it does??? My husband claims he does not like to shop but for some reason when he does........it is one major purchase??? Wow he goes for the gusto!!! I think it helps him too but it sets us back a little farther!!!

My Therapy is called "Antique Shopping Therapy"


I find myself drawn to old things and well frankly I don't know why.......but I think deep inside  I am an "Old Soul". Somehow being surrounded by old things gives me a connection to the past.


There are a fair amount of antique shops in this area and occasionally I like to venture out to some places off the beaten path and to some of the shops I haven't  been to for awhile. Well it happened the other day..............lots of stress going on in my life but I guess no worse than usual.
I did have a shopping stress treatment the other day and look at the wonderful finds I did find!!!


I got the beautiful quilt above in the first picture. The quilt was labeled as a baby quilt but quite frankly I call it a table quilt...I love it and the quilting is meticulous!!! 
Next I found the perfect little butter mold with dove-tailed corners. When I saw it at the shop, it was not priced??? I asked the shop owner if something was not marked hmmmmmmm was it free??? Haaaaaaa-it doesn't hurt to ask!!! He said "well no but I can give you a good deal" and he sold it to me for $20.00- Yea that's what I'm talking about!!! 
Next I found this awesome white crockery bowl. I can't remember what this pattern is called but I do have the same bowls in the typical shades of brown.

~Well that's all for now~
What's your "Stress Therapy"?


Benita said...

What nice little things you found Paula, that should relieve some stress for a few days ??!!! LOL
I do the same thing, I need a lil something new to pick me up every so often : )
Have a wonderful weekend sweetie,
~ ♥ ~

Loafer Mountain Primitives said...

Hey Paula,
That's my kind of therapy! Just went yesterday! Needed a little attitude adjustment, so me and the fledgling Daughter spent the day Junkin as she calls it! Fun times and some Mother Daughter time too!

Paula-Pieces from the Past said...

Yep it really did help my attitude! You girls are really lucky you have daughters! My 2 guys like to shop some but they aren't into Mama's junkin' trips much!!!


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